Get Smarter
Bank Reconciliations
with XLRS Apps
for Salesforce ERP


XLRS Banking Automation automates the collection of your bank statement activity by connecting to your bank either directly or through one of the many banking data intermediaries like Plaid, Yodlee, Investec, etc.

Connecting and retrieving bank statement data is often seen as an improvement and big win for the accounting team.  It’s what comes next that really gets you excited.

Automated Business Rules

Automated business rules identify deposits and code them to your Customer Account creating an Account-match.

Amounts and dates are used to match with Sales Invoices completing all the hard work of finding what the deposit matches to.

Cash Entries are automatically generated and matched to clear the Outstanding Sales Invoices and bank deposits – automatically.

On demand Reporting

When the work is done you can see exactly how the Certinia GLA for your Bank Account reconciles with the balance as per your statement.  All recinciling items are displayed and categorised to satisfy even the most passionate auditor.

Dashboard reporting and Banking Workspace gives you visibility like never before.

Seeing is Believing

You are one step closer to automating your Bank Reconciliation process.  Simply enter your details in the form and send them to us and we’ll get in touch with you to organise a Zoom / Teams meeting to help you learn how you can start using automated reconciliations.

  • Works with Salesforce
  • Connectors to Certinia, Rootstock, AccountingSeed and others
  • Easy adoption and gives you time back to do more of what you love.

Request a Demonstration Here