Is your Certinia App still healthy for your Business?

If you’ve been using your Apps for more than 12 months, it’s possible you’ve not had a chance to reflect and validate that your system is supporting the business outcomes the business case was built on.

“I joined the company after the implementation finished and we’re working with what we know about the system.  We just don’t know what we don’t know”

Senior business leader

“We have a number of improvements we want to make but we’re just not sure how to go about it.”

Project Management Office

In many cases, a minor adjustment is all you'll need to make a big difference.

A Business Value Health Check is a focused discussion on how your application is supporting your business today and how it could be supporting it better.  The outcome if for you to know what your’re missing out on and how to get the benefits available to you.

If you already have a partner, we respect that.  This Business Value Health Check is different from most health checks in that it focuses of value realisation rather than specifically doing  configuration on your system.  We can certainly work with you to configure and improve your system and that’s up to you.

The Business Value Health Check takes the form of an initial meeting with you to agree the scope objectives, outcomes, and deliverables.  This is a FREE meeting via Zoom.  If you qualify, and decide to proceed with the engagement, the format is up to 3 one hour meetings with the relevant stakeholders.  A report up to 20 pages in length, with an Executive Summary and Recommendations will be provided and reviewed with you.

To qualify for the initial Business Value Health Check discussion, your business needs to have been using your application for at least 12 months and provide access to key stakeholders.

To get started, you simply put your name, email and a short description of your role in the business in the boxes below then click SEND.  We’ll be in touch within 2 business days to set up the initial no-obligation FREE discussion.  You’re in control with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Organizations just like yours trust Exceleris to keep their business processes in tune.

Get your FREE Appointment now

Simply put your name, business email and a brief message in the form and click Send.

We’ll organise your appointment at a time and date that suits you.

You should bring along the key business stakeholders for the key business processes.

We’ll start with getting to know each other and your business.

If you qualify and engage Exceleris to undertake a Business Value Health Check, you’ll get a written report up to 20 pages with an Executive Summary and recommendations.