AI-driven Invoice Processing for Salesforce

Streamlines the process to improve efficiency and quality of information

Payable Invoices are automatically created in your ERP system with supporting document

Your suppliers will love you for automating the invoice payment process and your records will remain up to date.

Invoices are emailed to a dedicated address like “” and on receipt the invoice is scanned, key data elements are captured via AI technology and a Payable Invoice is created in Salesforce ready to be approved.

See the Scanned Invoice
Payables Automation

Workspace & AI reduces clicks

You can enjoy using the dedicated Invoice automation workspace to see invoices come in after they have been scanned.


Invoice information is captured in the system automatically.  AI is used to match the incoming supplier invoices with supplier information in the system eliminating manual data entry and improving data accuracy.

Visability at all stages

The scanned invoice image can be seen side-by-side with the invoice information.

Key information such as invoice and tax amounts are automatically populated.

See the Scanned Invoice
Auto coding of invoices

Auto coding for your Finance team

Automation and simplicity are core to all of the xlrs Applications.

Auto population of accounting general ledger and cost centre information together with ensuring the correct tax treatment is applied.

Auto population of invoice lines from Purchase Orders with xlrs Order Management.